Contracts, Disputes, Arbitration, Mediation, Zombie Debt Traps, Business, Transactions, Asset Protections, Confidential Strategies, Business Structures, Conflicts & Solutions, Litigation, Consumer & Owner Protections, CPA Client Support,
Our Cases are Never to Chance, Herald Price Fahringer, Esq.
@RichLaw | 1-877-Win-4-You | Rich@Rich.Law Contact Rich@Rich.Law Over 33 Years Experience, Attorney Rated 10 of 10, “Superb”
Richard, as Chairman of CMIS, published by the 110th Congress, led the national debate to achieve solutions to the Great Recession & Zombie 2nd Mortgages, with Billionaire Wilbur Ross, AFN & the United States Treasury.
Attorney Rich Rydstrom Contracts, Disputes, Litigation, AAA Arbitration, Jams Mediation Business & Deal Structures, Buy Sell, Ventures, Licenses, Industry & New Industry: Structures, Participant Penetration & Positioning, Small Business, Dealerships, Restaurants, Wholesale, Retail, Casinos, Cannabis, Licensing, CPA Client Support, Zombie Debt Traps, Etc.
Do Something Great: Turn Your Small Business into a
SmartSmallBusiness Startup or Scale Your California Small Business
* * * Example Liability Risks: Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Business from Liability Risks:
$1.6m (i.e: Return of Deposit / Monetary Consideration) *We just won our Small Business Client $1.6 million in a business contract fraud dispute! This again proves how to multiply and TREBLE DAMAGES (18x cash loss) when someone violates PUBLIC POLICY against you. Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Business!
$500,000 *In a Hollywood Film case we won a judgment approximately 4x the cash loss.
*Protection, Preservation: We helped save a Multi-Billion Dollar Institution from Stress Test Seizure.
* * * Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Business!
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Confidential Strategy Chairman, Board, Owners, Audit Committee, General Counsel
Business Startups and Scaling Markets & Product Positioning Strategies Business Credit and Funding Asset, Estate and Business Protections Owners Retirement Plan and Trust, CPA Client Support
Discover What You Need To Know About “The 13 Secrets of the Rich or Informed” to Protect Your Family Estate, Business & Retirement Get My Step-By-Step Blueprint - Cheat Sheet - Click Here *
Issues Facing Owners & Operators
Structure of Entities, Trusts and Contracts
Lines of Business Lines of Activities
Special Deconfliction Leases and Real Estate Acquisitions
Tax Restrictions and Efficiency Options (280E, COGS, etc.)
Market Penetration
Product Positioning
Owner Asset Protections
Design (TI) - Tax
Merchandising, Marketing, Brand and IP Licensing, Joint Ventures, Deal Making and Contracts
Design, Materials, Construction and Installation and Demolition re Tax Efficient Options (“DIMM”)
Buildouts - Tax Efficient Tenant Improvements vs. Owner Improvements vs. 1250 (structural) vs. 1245 (personal property) vs. QIP(TCJA) 2018-2022 vs 100% Bonus Depreciation and Refunds
Asset Protections; California's Secret Trust and Personal Private Retirement Plan/Trust
Articles Owner Protections: Lawful Legal Protections; Yes They Exist; No Hiding Necessary * California Law
* Special California Cannabis Industry Entity & Asset Protections based in California Law; * Legal Protections that protect legal business operations and or owners * Legal Protections that may even be available if being sued, have judgments or may be sued in the future Enjoy a legal article written after lessons learned starting over 28 years ago as a Beverly Hills business manager to the stars. Yes there are lawful legal protections available to owners without offshore or hiding assets or vulnerable fraudulent transfers of assets.
* * *
2022 NEWS FTC FRANCHISING FRAUD: The FTC (and DOJ) filed a fraud and illegal practices lawsuit against Burgerim, the first FTC action under the Franchise Rule since 2007, for uncertain fees (royalties, loyalty fees, kickbacks), misrepresentations (‘business in a box’), predatory practices, not opening stores, leaving franchisees in debt, targeting of veterans, etc. Franchisor Oren Loni, reportedly left the country. “The FTC’s Franchise Rule is designed to stop franchisors from taking advantage of prospective franchisees who are considering opening their own businesses,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “The Consumer Protection Branch will vigorously pursue those who violate the law by using misrepresentations to sell franchises.” Click Link to Read FTC Burgerim Complaint | Note making a private right of action for Franchise Rule violations will a cause of action for same, but it also allows evidence to support all appropriate state causes of action such as Fraud, UCL, Breach of Contract, Promissory Estoppel, etc. The latter is exactly that strategy used by attorney Rich Rydstrom to enforce the HAMP Guidelines in California Courts (See West v. JP Morgan Chase, 2013). The FTC implemented a new fraud reporting tool for franchisees, ReportFraud.FTC.gov. |
2023 Asset Protection Article: Franchise Businesses! Entities Alone, Are Almost Useless Without the Safe Silo Device! Don’t Be A Sitting-Duck
2023 Asset Protection Article: LANDLORDS! Entities Alone, Are Almost Useless Without the Safe Silo Device!
* The Most common civil law problems with small businesses losing in court when attacked are lack of proper and effective entity formation with smart safeguard agreements, leases, and resolutions.
Enjoy an article written after emergency legal representation in a federal lawsuit against the owners:
* Courtesy Articles from Superb Rated Attorney Rydstrom:
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Join our Living Trust Protection's Club Click Here 1
TaxSmartConstruction The Difference Between the Nail and the Screw May Be Worth Millions! Click for Article
Before you Sign any Construction Contract SmartBuildouts
* * *
SOLUTIONS: Rydstrom has developed several lawful solutions for deconfliction:
TaxSmartBuildout (http://smartbuildout.com integrates lines of business with IRC 1245/1250 tax smart construction property flowing into beneficial entity structures. Rydstrom says, after 33 years of business planning, litigation, tax, FASB and business markets experience, safe and lawful best practices and safe harbors are available to the multidisciplinary mindset, to the limit of law.
Free Initial Consultation:
* * *
Click Here Free Initial Consultation | Confidential | Attorney Client Privilege | Over 33 Years Experience | Transactions, Entities, Litigation
* * *
1-949-678-2218 Direct
By Richard Ivar Rydstrom, California Attorney at Law, J.D. Law, Bachelor of Science in Public Accounting; Over 33 Years Transactions, Asset Protection, Business & Real Estate Litigation Serving Newport Beach, San Diego, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley 1-877-Win-4-You | https://Rich.Law | https://rydstromlaw.com
Rich Rydstrom, Attorney/Business & Markets Advisor Introduction:
Over 33 Years Experience, Attorney Rated 10 of 10, “Superb”. Richard, as Chairman of CMIS, published by the 110th Congress, led the national debate to achieve solutions to the Great Recession, with Billionaire Wilbur Ross, AFN & the United States Treasury. Select Clients Only
Richard has over 33 years as a California Attorney and business advisor. He worked for Warner Atlantic and Elektra Records with music superstars like Stevie Nicks, Phil Collins, etc., and as a Business and Tax Manager. As Chairman of CMIS, Richard led the national debate for solutions to the Great Recession. Richard was chosen by 110th CONGRESS to deliver a Statement on the solutions to the Great Recession. When the U.S. Treasury and the ALFN wanted to develop and teach the mortgage meltdown solutions to the banks, they choose Richard as the Chairman of CMIS. Richard co-created the donated $1,000,000 in financial education for underprivileged kids in Los Angeles. He helped Elon Musk with his first Tesla Newport Beach Showcase. He is general counsel for KT California and Farmer Ryan and consults many Cannabis and industrial Hemp companies. He is currently developing Canna Crypto and NFT opportunities with marketing penetration strategies for his clients. He also owns the PreferredProfesssionals brand, which offers business credit and funds to startups and scaling businesses.
A Few Reviews Endorsements See Reviews Below:
“I was very impressed with your preparation, tenacity, and skill ... I learned how to fine tune my ADR skills by virtue of watching you in action...” Peer Endorsement as ADR Officer
“I shudder to think of what would have happened to me without Mr. Rydstrom’s help and for that I am eternally grateful to him and recommend him highly.”
“May of 2011, a good friend of mind had heard about Richard Rydstrom and that was the day my life changed. Richard has dedicated his life for the greater good of humanity and he is only asking that all parties involved work together to take personal responsibility. I highly recommend Richard Rydstrom.”
“Incredible, Most DEDICATED ATTORNEY to his Clients! God answered my prayers and sent Mr. Rydstrom to me!”
“With no notes you were able to capture a very scrutinizing audience for over an hour. We cannot express our appreciation enough to you Richard. Thank you for the great job you did for us.” AOA (LA Coliseum; Landlords Business Entity Structure Speech)
Reviews | More Endorsements RICHARD RYDSTROM Attorney at Law Newport Beach "He knows his stuff and gets right to it, no BS of fluffy stuff" "He's awesome, knows this stuff inside & out, just amazing!" "Richard is great. He knew exactly what I needed and was fast with delivery. This was very helpful."
If you have any questions or would like to speak with a representative, please e-mail or call us at 877-Win-4-You
Rich.Law features legal articles by Attorney Richard Rydstrom. Rich@Rich.Law All Rights Reserved 2000-2017 Terms & Use Conditions: Nothing from this site should be considered advice or info on how to avoid federal jurisdiction, or how to hide from or hinder any federal law inquiry or action, or engage in any activity considered unlawful or illegal; all topics are strictly concerned with California Law only and its lawful activities. ATTORNEY LEGAL NOTICE: Warning: YOU MUST HAVE A SIGNED LEGAL RETAINER AGREEMENT WITH THIS LAW OFFICE OR ATTORNEY AUTHOR OF SELECT ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THIS SITE TO BECOME A CLIENT, OTHERWISE YOU ARE NOT A CLIENT AND WE ARE NOT TAKING ANY ACTIONS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. THIS SITE OR ATTORNEY AUTHOR OF SELECT ARTICLES DOES NOT REPRESENT ANY PERSONS OR ENTITIES THAT ARE ENGAGED IN ANY UNLAWFUL OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES WHETHER STATE OR FEDERAL; AND OTHERWISE SAME SHOULD CONTACT A CRIMINAL ATTORNEY. YOU ARE WARNED TO OBTAIN LEGAL REPRESENTATION IMMEDIATELY TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS (YELLOW PAGES, STATE BAR AGENCIES, ETC.) THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OF OUTCOME AS EACH CASE IS UNIQUE. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION IS PROHIBITED BY FEDERAL LAW [Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. 2701(a) and 270(a)] WE DO NOT GIVE ADVICE ON OR OPINIONS ON FREE CONSULTATIONS. We do NOT PERFORM MORTGAGE MODIFICATION SERVICES. This message is intended exclusively for the individuals and entities to which it is addressed. We do not give free case analysis, reviews or opinions. Articles sent are not legal, tax or financial advice; may be deemed an advertisement from the State Bar. Attorney obligations automatically cease under Legal Retainers where a Client fails to pay the required Deposit or make the required payments. IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE NOTICE: To ensure compliance with IRS requirements, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by any taxpayer, for the purposes of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.
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